Monday, February 16, 2015

Project: Shy/Fearful Canine Lucy

What an amazing day I was privileged to be an active participant in.  My words may slightly move your emotions, but to BE there.... Multiply it times 125!  SO Amazing! Here we go!

Lucy is the mother of Ariel (Karma) - the puppy I fostered. (pictured here)

Official Training Day #1:     2-07-2015.    Lucy would not allow me to come within arms length of her.  She happily accepted ALL of my treats and then quickly scooted back into her safety zone of arms length.  Any type of eye contact meant going backwards 22 steps in our training progress. I felt frustrated and knew I had to quickly change my thinking in order to change the energy I emitted.  So I decided to look for and praise the SMALLEST effort... At least she was not totally unreachable. When she sat, laid down, or gave the play bow I treated her along with saying "good girl Lucy" .   I left feeling defeated yet simultaneously multiple training ideas to help Lucy progress would enter my mind.

Official Training day #2:    2-14-2015.     To be honest,  I was looking for a reason not to go and visit Lucy.  This little girl was a challenge.   She hated me, she ate all of my treats and wouldn't let me touch her!!! (Pout, pout, hands in pocket, kicking rocks) yet I could not stop thinking about her since the first encounter. I know she would enjoy the world more if we can get past this.  I knew "Flooding" was my best bet.  I knew she had the advantage because of the space the HUGE backyard provided.  ALL of this was going through my mind yet I did not want to go.  

I am being open with you about the internal fight because the potential challenge of training your current canine or your future rescue is real!!! They will make you not want to continue, but don't give up!!!!!!!

So, I fought with myself more and finally got dressed to see my treat accepting,  challenging friend Lucy.  I walked through the wooden gate, fastened it behind me and called her name.  She is always happy to see me (my treats)! -This was our 3rd time meeting yet 2nd time training. 
"Lucy, come see what treats I have for you today", I said.  She bounced around me playfully wagging her tail and giving me the play bow.  I tried yet another strategy.  I lowered my body position; I went from kneeling, to sitting, to eventually laying on the ground.  A brief opportunity arose for me to leash her, but she was too quick! Finally, I said enough is enough! I will love on you today!  You guys, here's the greatest moment ever...I slowly paced back and forth trying to corner her off into a smaller section of the took some time but I finally got her in a situation...her only option was to go up a flight of stairs... And who would be waiting for her at the bottom??? Yours truly!  It was the standoff to top of all standoffs!! As Lucy tried to dash past me, I caught a soft football she snuggled her face in the pit of my elbow,  she leaned into me so hard.  It was like she needed this moment, she was ready, yet afraid.  My hands trembled as I felt her anxiety rise to a high peak then slowly slip away with every reassuring touch.  I flooded her with touch and praise.  I told her that she was extremely brave to trust me. We bonded. During all of this I did manage to get the leash on her.  We trotted around the backyard and took a brief stroll to the front yard.  I stopped multiple times to pet and praise her.  The treats no longer took precedence!  She's happier, I can already see it.  Just wait until those dog park adventures begin!!!! 

It was SOOOO hard leaving Lucy this day! I can't wait to see her this weekend. (Lucy's pictures are below)

Happy Tails and Merry Jingle Bells,

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