Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #13 Massages are not just for humans....

Do you enjoy and see the benefits of receiving a massage?  How do you feel afterwards?  Just speaking on the subject makes me want to book my next massage...

I strongly believe in the power of the human touch.  But why would it be needed for our animals?  Well, living in this stressful, domesticated human world our animals take on our stress and inactivity.  In the wild, they hunt, engage in social grooming and play; through this they stay toned and fit.

 Massage takes the human touch to the next level.

Animal Massage goes back to the Egyptian cave paintings and the Renaissance paintings.  Get this, according to

 "A full body massage was recommended for dogs and horses by Flavius Arrianus, a philosopher and administrator under the reign of Roam Emperor Hadrian.  He stated it would "knit and strengthen the limbs...make the hair soft and its hue glossy...and cleanse the impurities of the skin""

Through massage toxins are released, muscle mask is relaxed, stress is released, metabolism is increased, intestinal activity is increased, pain decreases, and the emotional bond increases... and you know strengthening the emotional bond is what Pet Charmer is about!

We at Pet Charmer believe that animal massage adds to the existing skills of dog trainers and pet sitters.  Pet massage is a continued education course that will soon be FULLY added to Pet Charmer services.

Happy Tails and Merry Jingle Bells,
Pet Charmer

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #12 Forms of Learning

To improve the likelihood of a child/student grasping an idea; parents/teachers must be capable of identifying and adapting to the child's/student's style of learning.

Did you know animals have various forms of learning?  Animal learning is rather complex, yet the subject is constantly improving through research.  According to Animal Behavior College (ABC) a few of the known ways in which canines learn are:

  • Orienting Reflex
  • Single Event or Perceptual Learning
  • Desensitization and Habituation Learning
  • Sensitization Learning
  • Flooding
  • Learned Irrelevance
  • Back-chaining
  • Pattern Learning/Real-Life Learning

We won't discuss them all but each way of learning is a pretty cool research subject... you will be surprised then happy because you are now able to put a label to many of the things you are doing on a daily basis.

Two styles I have used or seen used successfully in dog training are Pattern Learning/Real-Life Learning and Desensitization and Habituation Learning.

Through Desensitization and Habituation Learning your dog is "trained" to not "sweat the small stuff" the daily encounters of human life. -- Car horns, helicopters, beeping large trucks.  The resulting behavior is your dog looking/observing the distraction but not reacting.
It is unwise to use this method without a trainer's guidance. Improper application of this training method can cause a fear response.

Pattern Learning/Real-Life Learning fits obedience training into your daily schedule:

                                  Ex: sit-stay before food bowl is placed on floor.
                                         sit-stay to put leash on or take leash off.
                                         down-stay while the front door is open.

Canines learn basic obedience vocabulary through routine.  Look for ways to train your dog through day to day activities... a trainer can help improve your success and be your guide through the process.

Happy Training!!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Project: Shy/Fearful Canine Lucy

What an amazing day I was privileged to be an active participant in.  My words may slightly move your emotions, but to BE there.... Multiply it times 125!  SO Amazing! Here we go!

Lucy is the mother of Ariel (Karma) - the puppy I fostered. (pictured here)

Official Training Day #1:     2-07-2015.    Lucy would not allow me to come within arms length of her.  She happily accepted ALL of my treats and then quickly scooted back into her safety zone of arms length.  Any type of eye contact meant going backwards 22 steps in our training progress. I felt frustrated and knew I had to quickly change my thinking in order to change the energy I emitted.  So I decided to look for and praise the SMALLEST effort... At least she was not totally unreachable. When she sat, laid down, or gave the play bow I treated her along with saying "good girl Lucy" .   I left feeling defeated yet simultaneously multiple training ideas to help Lucy progress would enter my mind.

Official Training day #2:    2-14-2015.     To be honest,  I was looking for a reason not to go and visit Lucy.  This little girl was a challenge.   She hated me, she ate all of my treats and wouldn't let me touch her!!! (Pout, pout, hands in pocket, kicking rocks) yet I could not stop thinking about her since the first encounter. I know she would enjoy the world more if we can get past this.  I knew "Flooding" was my best bet.  I knew she had the advantage because of the space the HUGE backyard provided.  ALL of this was going through my mind yet I did not want to go.  

I am being open with you about the internal fight because the potential challenge of training your current canine or your future rescue is real!!! They will make you not want to continue, but don't give up!!!!!!!

So, I fought with myself more and finally got dressed to see my treat accepting,  challenging friend Lucy.  I walked through the wooden gate, fastened it behind me and called her name.  She is always happy to see me (my treats)! -This was our 3rd time meeting yet 2nd time training. 
"Lucy, come see what treats I have for you today", I said.  She bounced around me playfully wagging her tail and giving me the play bow.  I tried yet another strategy.  I lowered my body position; I went from kneeling, to sitting, to eventually laying on the ground.  A brief opportunity arose for me to leash her, but she was too quick! Finally, I said enough is enough! I will love on you today!  You guys, here's the greatest moment ever...I slowly paced back and forth trying to corner her off into a smaller section of the took some time but I finally got her in a situation...her only option was to go up a flight of stairs... And who would be waiting for her at the bottom??? Yours truly!  It was the standoff to top of all standoffs!! As Lucy tried to dash past me, I caught a soft football she snuggled her face in the pit of my elbow,  she leaned into me so hard.  It was like she needed this moment, she was ready, yet afraid.  My hands trembled as I felt her anxiety rise to a high peak then slowly slip away with every reassuring touch.  I flooded her with touch and praise.  I told her that she was extremely brave to trust me. We bonded. During all of this I did manage to get the leash on her.  We trotted around the backyard and took a brief stroll to the front yard.  I stopped multiple times to pet and praise her.  The treats no longer took precedence!  She's happier, I can already see it.  Just wait until those dog park adventures begin!!!! 

It was SOOOO hard leaving Lucy this day! I can't wait to see her this weekend. (Lucy's pictures are below)

Happy Tails and Merry Jingle Bells,

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #9 Loose-leash walking - no pulling

Loose-leash walking - no pulling

Exercise, exercise, exercise cannot be stressed enough. Exercise is vital to a dog's mental and physical fitness. What if walks are unpleasant because your canine is a puller or a wanderer? You are in luck, Pet Charmer can help you with that. I will share with you the method I used for Jingle, keep in mind there are several methods. Jingle was a horrible puller, as we walked people would say: "she's taking you for a walk again, I see" - at first, I had no idea what they were speaking of. Jingle was most definitely IN CHARGE during our past walks. Animal Behavior College ( ABC ) corrected many of my misunderstandings about dogs and training. I was taught, it is my dog's responsibility to keep slack in the leash. So, I implemented one method that stood out to me " go back to kindergarten ". It really is as simple as it sounds... stop, go back, start over. In the beginning, Jingle and I did A LOT of starting and stopping. Here are the steps we took: 1. Put the leash on your dog. Your hand should be through the loop of the leash. Your arm should not be overly extended from your side. Walk as normal. 2. Once you see there is no slack in the leash and your arm is extended beyond your side STOP THE WALK IMMEDIATELY. Two things may happen: (A) your dog should look back at you and wonder what the heck just happened. (B) your dog may ignore you and continue trying to pull. 3. If "A" happens, treat your dog for acknowledging you, ask your dog to come back to your side, treat for coming back to you, and the restart your walk. If "B" happens, give the "eh-eh" sound (this indicates to your dog that he is giving the wrong behavior and it needs to end), walk the opposite direction in which he is pulling, end your walk completely. What message does this send? 1. You are in charge. 2. Pay attention to You because your walk route and speed can change at any moment. 3. No pulling. Be patient with yourself and your canine. This is probably new to you both! Practice daily, at least 20 minutes. This can even be practiced in the house. Don't over practice because then you remove the FUN from your walks. The more consistent you are, the better your relationship will be with your dog because they will know what is expected. I tried to capture Jingle going back to kindergarten in the attached video, I hope it helps. Happy training!!! #DOGS #trainandplay #rescue #adopt #foster #getactive #volunteer #dogtrainer #supportanimalrescue #petchat #PETCHARMER #DOGTRAINER #supportyourlocalshelter

Weekly Wednesday #8 Dog ears, exceptional and expressive -Take care of them.

Dog ears, exceptional and expressive -Take care of them.

Do you remember the cartoon character droopy? When we hear that name, a hound or a spaniel automatically comes to mind. Your dog's ears are part of their personality the shape is based on the breed. I read a very cool article from The Whole Dog Journal written by Rand Kidd, DVM, PhD, that inspired today's PCPTT. How your dog feels about the world physically and emotionally can be recognized by the ear "posture", it is a curiously funny and sometimes mischievous language of its own. I absolutely love the way this article reads: " by observing the carriage of the dogs ear we are given away to "hear" what he is trying to tell us. Is that not amazing?! Humans, hearing with your eyes.... It is possible, just ask the Deaf Culture! (American Sign Language should be a recommended course, just saying!) Dog owners know well that the ears are an adorable form of expression and like human ears, they play a part in balance. Internally and externally dog ears are super complicated. The canine ear canal is much longer than ours and it is a sensitive area, most dogs with ear infections must be sedated for a thorough examination. I think we all know that dogs are capable of hearing higher pitches; according to this article, dogs here best at 8000 Hz in comparison to humans best 2000 Hz. Did you know that a hesitation to obey your command can be the FIRST sign of hearing loss? Be sure to visit your vet regularly and take care of your little buddy. Hearing loss will happen as they age, but we can slow down the process by paying attention to their nutrition, activity and overall health. I also favor this article because it lists several things we can do in home to keep their hearing healthy. I encourage you to check out the article, examine your dog often, and visit your vet. Happy training! #DOGS #trainandplay #rescue #adopt #foster #DOGgonefun #supportyourlocalshelter #volunteer #dogtrainer #AmericanSignLanguage #ASL #deafculture #takecareofyourdogs #supportanimalrescue #petchat #PETCHARMER

Weekly Wednesday #7 Canine development, at what stage is the perfect time to bond?

Canine development, at what stage is the perfect time to bond?

Canines are no different from other living creatures, as they grow, they go through stages. It is important to know what is happening at each stage of development so that you can train accordingly. Canines are born 59 to 65 days after conception. Since they are predators, their skills must develop. Their eyes, nose, and ears do not function at full potential. Birth-12 days: During this stage puppies respond to stimulation. Often times you will see the mom stimulating elimination which is very necessary. 2 to 3 weeks: During this stage the eyes will begin to open and human interaction should begin. This is a great stage for introducing toys. 3 to 6 weeks: Along with getting the proper vaccines, puppies should be handled several times a day. They should be introduced to different people and floor textures. During this stage of life puppies "learn to be dogs" chasing, barking, biting, and body posture. If they are surrounded by litter mates, they quickly learn that biting is an unacceptable way of playing. To answer the original question, the best time to bond begins at 7 weeks. 7 weeks: Studies show that even in the wild, puppies under 7 weeks have limited interaction with the pack. At 7 weeks they are normally strong enough to run with the pack and are OPEN to the idea. It is important to take advantage of this impressionable period of openness. Avoid forceful learning. No bad experiences should happen to them in your care during this period. If your puppy does not want to try a new thing, DO NOT force them, this can cause them to FEAR the new activity or thing. Proper socialization with others and POSITIVE interactions from you are strongly encouraged. BOND, BOND, BOND and let the pup explore at his own pace. Thanks for tuning in! HAPPY TRAINING! #DOGS #TRAINANDPLAY #RESCUE #ADOPT #GETACTIVE #FOSTER #DOGGONEFUN #VOLUNTEER #SUPPORTANIMALRESCUE #SUPPORTYOURLOCALSHELTER #PETCHAT #DOGTRAINER #PETSITTER #PETCHARMER

Weekly Wednesday #6 Are you in charge?


Everything has structure. From organizations, buildings, our bodies, the animal kingdom, ecosystem, to relationships. Think of your family, what roles or responsibilities do each member play? Children are normally responsible for their toys, keeping them in place. Moms responsibilities can range from finances, kids, house, dad and work. And the list goes on. How does this apply to canine? Simply put: Dogs with no leadership are stressed! If you do not show yourself a steady leader, your canine will assume leadership. Good leadership can prevent common stress-related behaviour because your canine will know your consistent, steady expectations. We often unknowingly encourage our dogs to take the lead, how? - allowing them to sleep in our bed. - overflowing food bowl - giving treats with no expectations. - free attention /petting - coming and going as they please DO NOT LOSE HOPE! Re-ranking is possible, but you must be patient. This is a process. We have treated them like royalty in areas that we should not. Implementing these leadership exercises can help change the current mindset of your dog. 1. "NO FREE LUNCH" Policy: No treat (actual petting, attention, or food) for "just being cute" - as my Mentor would say. Before treating, give a known command (or three). Think about it, what must you do in life to be rewarded? Are you given treats for your cuteness alone? Example: Shy dogs blossom when you treat for them obeying the simple "come" command. Requiring your dog to sit as you put the leash on and take it off. This policy can be incorporated into your daily routine. 2. Leaders are FIRST, even through doorways: Does your dog crowd your feet at the door? This can be dangerous for the both of you. Here is an exercise to try: Before taking your dog on a walk, create an imaginary line about 3-6 inches from the door (he cannot cross this line), give the sit-stay command. (Please remember to say "good" to the babies for obeying, they need to know when they get it right so THAT is the behavior they repeat.) Walk to the door, if your dog is still sitting " good " if not, start over. Yes, tedious work. Slowly open the door, if he gets up, quickly close the door say "no" or "eh-eh" and start over. Your dog will soon get the restructuring idea. Be patient. Take it slow. Exercises should be done in spurts, assertively, and calmly. Never in a aggressive manner. There are many other exercises you can try implementing. My suggestions were derived from the following: HAPPY TRAINING! #DOGS#TRAINANDPLAY #RESCUE #ADOPT #GETACTIVE #VOLUNTEER #RESCUE #TRAINING #DOGTRAINER #DOGGONEFUN

Weekly Wednesday #4 Animals are Individuals

Animals are individuals:

Often you will hear me say, "Dogs are individuals" , but what does that mean? To many, the term "individual" will only bring to mind human beings. Dare I use biology to challenge that group? .... I accept the dare. Individual in the biological sense means: a single organism capable of independent existence. (can they live without us?? YES!) Then to expand that even more an organism can be defined as a form of life considered as an entity: an animal or plant. With those definitions in mind the level of respect given to animal life should increase. So many animals are neglected, abused, and misused because they are not viewed and respected as individuals. To others scripture speak louder: Proverbs 12: 10 10The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. Proverbs 27:23 23 Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; Job 12:7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; Spend time with your furry friends this season and the next!! Change your thinking... Change your heart... Change your actions... Change your community... Change our world... #petchat #DOGgonefun #supportyourlocalshelter #supportanimalrescue #adopt #foster #getactive #volunteer #rescue

Weekly Wednesday #3 Adoption and Fostering

Adoption and Fostering: You will find many suggest fostering and adoption but why? What is the difference? And What do you need to know? Fostering is when you allow a pet from a shelter to live in your home until he/she is adopted. This is a great option for overcrowded shelters, puppies that need extra care, or injured animals in need of special nurturing. Fostering is not necessarily a financial obligation; although, you are responsible for day to day care, and administering medication if needed; most shelters provide food and veterinarian services. Adopting is an easy one to identify. You are saving an animal from long term shelter life (actually they rescue you... but until you've experienced it, you just have to take my word for it.... ) In my household Jingle is my rescue and Harvey is my foster. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you foster and adopt. * you are making a major impact on a life. * with fostering, at some point you must let go. *folks with past or current pets and those with pet knowledge make great candidates. * you should be willing to train or hire a trainer. * your schedule should be flexible. * every shelter/organization has its own rules, be sure you know them *be ready to prepare your home and know the necessary supplies you will need Happy tails! Pet Charmer #DOGS#rescue #adopt #foster #getactive #supportyourlocalshelter #supportanimalrescue #harvey #Jingle#brindles #petchat

Weekly Wednesday #2 Energy Outlet

Greetings fellow Animal lovers!!! Monday night I was inspired by a twit pic from @SawyerTheLab and @PetPros_Matrix1...a dog maze food bowl. This is an item I have personally suggested to clients when given a behavior issue that merely sounds as if the root cause is MOMMY, I NEED TO PLAY!! Simply put, our dogs need a small triathlon daily. (Varies for breed, size, and age) . How can this food maze bowl help? The maze bowl increases mental stimulation ... mental exercise, if you will. Why is mental exercise important? Think about it; originally, canines were depended on for a specific tasks. Pulling sleds, hunting, herding and protecting. Today the main job of our canine is to keep us company and for some other groups, they are mere accessories. Domesticated canines today rarely use their hunting skills, food is placed in one lump portion, no work needed. Providing an outlet for natural behaviors can reduce what some may see as behavior issues. The food maze bowls are also great for canines with limited physical activity due to surgery or aging. Owner's with pups who tend to eat too fast should consider the food maze bowl. #arkansas #petchat #rescue #adopt #getactive #foster

Weekly Wednesday #5 Know your canine breed and group! It can help with training

Know your canine breed and group! It can help with training:

Upon introduction to the study of canines, one of the first studies focused on breed and group. This classification is important; for, each group learns, motivates, and distracts differently than the next. How are the groups made? The AKC ( maintains a registry of recognized breeds. The AKC also enforce rules governing dog shows. Of the recognized breeds, the AKC has divided them into seven groups. SPORTING: English Setter, Cocker Spaniel, Weimaraner, Pointer, Labrador Retriever HOUND: Basset Hound, Whippet, Beagle, Greyhound, Dachshund WORKING: Akita, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Great Dane, Boxer, Saint Bernard, Doberman Pinscher TERRIER: Irish Terrier, Bull Terrier, Russell Terrier, West Highland Terrier TOY: Chihuahua, Maltese, Poodle, Pug, Chinese Crested, Shih Tzu NON-SPORTING: Bulldog, Chow Chow, Dalmatian HERDING: Australian Cattle Dog, Border Collie, German Shepherd, Old English Sheepdog, Bearded Collie There is also a " miscellaneous " group for any breed wanting recognition from the AKC. Seems to be a "holding" area. Once the breed has passed the eligibility requirements of inclusion, the AKC will then add the breed to one of the seven groups. So, play around on their site. (Link above) This was my test: Akita: Working Group: As the owner of an Akita - Let's call him Rocky Hogan :-) - I would know from the information provided ... this is not just a regular family pet. This breed group enjoys and thrives from having a job, protecting. If I want Rocky Hogan to be an indoor, inactive, lap dog ... I may be in for a BIG SURPRISE. Nuance behaviors can be the end result of withholding proper activity from canine who are BUILT for WORK. I would then seek out a trainer, training materials, and other proven training ideas befitting my canines group. It's okay to improve your current strategy!! #DOGS #trainandplay #rescue #adopt #foster #getactive #volunteer #supportanimalrescue #supportyourlocalshelter #petchat #DOGgonefun #dogtraining

Weekly Wednesday #1 Hydration

Welcome to the very first weekly Wednesday Pet charmer puppy talk and tips. 

Let's talk about hydration.

It is important to keep pets hydrated all year round. First what is dehydration? Webster defines it as an abnormal depletion of body fluids. Animal Behavior College gives a more comprehensive definition "dehydration is the loss of water and vital electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, and potassium necessary for survival." Cats and dogs are 70 to 80 percent water. Look at it this way a 50 pound animal requires 5 cups (40 ounces) of water daily. Reasonably so, water removes waste and unnatural substances. Water is the root of all biological processes such as the digestive and circulatory system. The more active your pets are, the more water they should have. Dehydration levels reaching more than 10% are life threatening.  
Here are some signs of dehydration, many if which are not obvious upon first sight. Fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation, dry mouth, depression, increase heart rate and sunken eyes.
To test for dehydration pinch the fold of skin at the nape of neck and release. (Also known as the skin "tent" test) If your pet is well hydrated the skin will fall back quickly.  For breeds with loose skin or older pets, carefully feel the gums, they should not feel sticky or dry.
Check out this informative video regarding our subject matter.

***Remember to examine your pets often and seek the advice of a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #11 Canine Communication – What is the Message?

Communications that result in a misunderstanding between parties is frustrating, chaotic, and a waste of time. 

To put it poetically:  Understanding is the soft carriage that holds the message…it is cradled in communication as it journeys to the ear then through the soul, the heart can do nothing but act.

Clear understanding of the message your dog is sending through body, face, and voice enhances trust; therefore, solidifying your relationship.

Owners and trainers alike should strive to improve reading and understanding the sophisticated language of dog posture. 

Of the many postures I feel the following are top know for all:

Offensive Threat Body Posture and 
images from: Dog body language

Stress Body Posture

In the offensive threat body posture the dog is aggressive and ready to attack.  This posture is important to be on the alert for safety reasons.  Dogs in this posture should be allowed to refocus and calm down before progress can be made.  The hackles are up, the tail is up and stiff, the nose is wrinkled and the dog is standing forward on its toes.  (Picture a football player’s stance).  Be cautious!


Next, recognizing the stress body posture is important for both groups because it is a great BREAK TIME indicator.  Stress can also be a result of the dog’s environment or a specific object in close proximity.  Some stress body posture signs include ears back, body lowered, tail down, and rapid panting with corners of the mouth back.  The body is screaming GET ME OUT OF HERE… NOT COMFORTABLE… AT ALL…

Once you understand the body postures be a good leader, be quick to acknowledge your dog’s need, and be ready to make the necessary adjustments. 


For more information on canine body language, ASPCA is an excellent resource.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Happy Training!!


Weekly Wednesday #10 Temperament vs Disposition

Understanding terminology is important for training.  Temperament and disposition are sometimes used interchangeably, but are completely different.


When seeking to adopt a canine it is wise to observe the dog's temperament and disposition to know if he is right for your family.  A shelter volunteer can help. (Some dogs are more anxious in the shelter environment because of the noise level, distractions, or unfamiliarity).  


Temperament should not be used to describe the dog’s personality for it more closely describes the dog’s behavior type.  Some behavior distinctions are set because they are based on the “standards set by purebred” organizations.  For example, The Great Dane Club of America ( ) gives mention to the old standard behavior type of Great Danes vs. the Danes of today.

    “…the Danes of yesterday was very different both in structure and temperament from the Dane of today.  When no longer used for hunting, the breed changed to one of a companion and estate guard dog.”

Can you imagine the fierce Danes of the 1800’s?  What temperament do you think hunters must have?


On the other side is your dog’s disposition, this is where the cute wagging friendly tails, curious head turns, and free kisses come in to play; the personality.  Refer back to The Great Dane Club of America ( as to the Dane’s disposition.

 “Today, correctly bred Great Danes have a gentle and loving disposition that makes them a wonderful companion.”


What is the personality of your home?  Is it busy and loud or slow and quiet?  What disposition and temperament fits best?  Be patient and allow new dogs to adjust.  Find training tools that cater to your dog’s temperament and disposition to ensure growth in your dog’s behavior.  Your understanding of their needs and your overall bond will also improve.  I assure you, a happy pup is right around the corner. 

Happy Training!

#petchat #supportyourlocalshelter #volunteer #dogtrainer #petcharmer #DOGS #Rescue #adopt #foster #getactive