Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #22: Assessing canines for your home

As we search for the "perfect" (term is used loosely for all canine are truly perfect) canine to rescue, there are a few things to keep in mind as we browse shelters. 

How the canine arrived to the shelter is important background knowledge:  This knowledge can change our mind set and we then alter the way we introduce our canines to other humans - especially children and other canine. Think of a dog who was abused vs a dog who was surrendered by his past owner because of relocating... each experience would form a different energy within the canine.

So many times this phrase has been heard as people browse for new pets: Are they house broken?

We must understand that some dogs have been in the shelter for years and some were never introduced to training, a warm bed, or guidance in what humans expect.  This is the best part of rescuing!! We get to implant our routine, love, and training into a sometimes empty soul...whose return investment is always exceedingly high.

The shelter can sometimes be a stressful life, so we must keep in mind that the personality of the canine you meet at the shelter, is not the forever ever personality.  If we can picture a stressful job (wink, wink )... see the stressed us vs the vacation us... TOTAL CHANGE right?  It's the same for canines, once we bring them home, get them on a consistent routine - this includes proper meals, exercise, proper socialization, and training - we are bound to see the true canine!

Never keep your heart closed to experiencing this type of connection.  It's a beautiful thing ....

As always, wishing you many happy tails and merry Jingle bells,
Pet Charmer

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