Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #17: Safe Travels

Safe transportation is a subject that is often overlooked, but we are approaching traveling season!! YAY!

Many of us travel with our pets, please remember to keep them safe.

Did you know that you should not allow your pups to roam freely in the car?? I am GUILTY!

Together we can progress as pet parents, as we grow in pet care knowledge.

Safety precautions and traveling tips were researched from the following sites, and are in close harmony:

When traveling by vehicle:
  • Our dogs should be anchored or crated. 
  • The front seat is for humans.
  • Please make plenty of rest stops.
  • Keep those heads inside the vehicle, please.
  • Travel with up-to-date vaccinations and identifications.
  • Do not leave your dog unattended, especially during summer.

If you guys/gals travel by plane, ship, or train - be sure to check all safety precautions and regulations, currently only assistance dogs are allowed to travel by ship or train.

Many beautiful days are approaching, let's take advantage!

Happy Tails and Merry Jingle Bells, 
Pet Charmer

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Weekly Wednesday # 16: Choosing the Proper Gear - Part III - WHAT THE COLLARS??

My oh my, the variety we have to choose from! The dog collar section/category is ENDLESS!

Chain Slip Collar/Choke Chain

Metal Prong Collar/Pinch Collar

Martingale Collar

Flat Buckle Collar

Head Collar - Many Varieties

Whew, I'm sure there are some I have missed, but isn't this enough to make you ask what is the purpose of so many collars? Do they all have the same function? Are there safety precautions? How do I use them? Is it fitted properly? .... As I researched the BAZILLION collars, those questions came to my mind.  ... but what is the bottom line...?? As I guide clients what will I tell them??

Here is what was gathered:

  • One size does not fit all nor do they all have the same function.
  • Puppies, new to being on leash dogs, and easily distracted canine can benefit greatly from head collars because it quickly teaches your canine to pay more attention to you - the handler, and less attention to the environment.  It also discourages the bad habit of pulling.
  • All collars were NOT meant to fit loosely.  Ex: Standard Pinch/Prong collar must fit snug ...if it is loose, or rides too low on your dog's neck, it can cause injury.
  • We want to be well informed dog owners, so we must take in knowledge and shop around - see what fits best for your skill set and your canine's need. Ask trained professionals and follow the manufacturers directions to ensure safety.

Sooooooo, here is the fun part... to test my research... my sweet puppy foster, Ariel... who likes to hold the leash in her mouth when we walk... will soon be fitted for a head collar...   

 I'll keep you posted.... haha!

Happy Training all!!
Pet Charmer

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #15 Choosing the Proper Gear Part II - What should we know about crates?

(Crate, Apartment and Kennel are used interchangeably)

 To crate or not to crate, that is the question.... :)

I want to be a well informed dog owner, lover, and trainer so to do that I must know the tools used in the field, know how to use them properly, and understand their benefits.  As I researched crates, a few areas stood out: the types of crates, how they help, the correct size for your canine, and what to avoid.

For the types I deferred to Animal Behavior College (ABC) who lists the following:

Airline Crate - I had no idea they were also called this, but these are your standard plastic crates with a wire door.

Wire Crate - Normally has a top and a front door.  The bottom pan is normally removable for easy cleaning.

Puppy Playpens - First day of dog training, setting up a puppy playpen was our assignment... what fun!  Playpens are a great containment tool made of fabric, metal or plastic and has multiple flexible joints and can be 32 to 48 inches in height.

How do crates Help?
Remember that dogs enjoy creating dens; crates fulfill this need.  Trainers and owners alike enjoy the housebreaking benefits of crate training.  Crates also create a safe environment when travel.  Puppy playpen type crates are beneficial for creating a secure play area when 100 percent supervision is difficult. 

What of the crate size and what should be avoided when using or purchasing a crate?
No matter the type of crate, be sure your canine has PLENTY of room to stand up and turn around comfortably.  Make it fun for them!  Leave their favorite toy or treat inside the crate. 
AVOID using the crate as punishment, we want no negative associations with crating.  We should also avoid extended duration in the crate and always read the directions with any equipment purchased.

I hope you find this PCPTT helpful in your training needs.

Happy Tails and Merry Jingle Bells,
Pet Charmer

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weekly Wednesday #14 Choosing the Proper Gear - Part I - Leash Edition

Imagine a runner not having the appropriate shoes or a cyclist not having the best tire for the type of terrain.  Participating in any sport or activity with improper gear equals safety issues.  Dog walking and dog training are no different.  To safely walk and train your canine, the proper leash is needed.  

Leads, leashes, retractable leashes, long line leashes and hands-free or waist leashes have different uses and are all available in different styles, lengths, widths, and types.

Leashes typically have a loop handle on one end and a clasp (metal) on the other end which attaches to the harness or collar.

Leads, similar to leashes have a loop handle on one end and a non-slip loop on the other end.  I find that leads give the handler better control.$T2eC16J,!)kE9s4Z-4v3BRj2SwnOzw~~_32.JPG

It's interesting, the width and size of the leash greatly depends on the size of the dog.  Example: A 100 pound dog would rule your walk or training session with a 1-inch wide leash.

Retractable leashes.... let me just go ahead and get this out... I hate them.  They are horrible and I will not endorse the use of them for walking or training.  Many will disagree for retractable leashes are most comfortable to them.  NEVER should you use a retractable leash with a slip, martingale, or pinch collar because these collars are designed to give instant correction for pulling.  Retractable leashes can make a loud noise and can frighten your dog.  This style of leash should not be used on strong, habitual pullers.

Long line leashes are about 10-50 feet long.  This style of leash is best used during recall training. The long line gives the dog the illusion that he is making the decision.  Since there is a potential for the line to get tangled on the hind legs, always supervise your dog when using long lines.

The hands-free or waist leash is not one that I have used, but I am curious about it and will soon check it out.  I do understand from research that it allows the trainer to safely work with the dog from a distance and can be an excellent choice if you have issues juggling training tools and the leash.

I beseech you to do your research as you look for the proper leash for training or walking your dog.  The right equipment matters! 

Happy Training!